It’s been two weeks since my last blog. I’ve been feeling ‘off’ lately and couldn’t wrap my mind around what I wanted to share. The energy feels weird, have you noticed? It may have something to do with Mercury being in retrograde, whatever that means, or a meteor shower affecting the earth’s energy. Whatever it is, I’ve been feeling it. Have you? Many friends have been noticing feeling ‘off’ lately, too: unable to concentrate, feeling disorganized, body aches and fatigue. What can we do to take care of ourselves when feeling ‘off’?
Here are some self-care tips as well as my spiritual perspective. As with anything I share, take what you like (what works for you) and leave the rest.
Getting in touch with your Divinity puts things into perspective. Here’s what I mean by that: From A Course in Miracles: ‘God is but Love and so am I’, and so are you. This world we know will pass away. But Love never dies. Love is true. Love is real. Only what’s done for Love and with Love is real and what is real is eternal. How’s that for putting things into perspective!
I encourage you to be gentle with yourself, every moment of every day, and be gentle with your brothers and sisters as well. Take a moment and reflect on these questions:
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Until next time, be gentle with yourself, smile and Shine Your Light!
Here are some self-care tips as well as my spiritual perspective. As with anything I share, take what you like (what works for you) and leave the rest.
- Be Gently with Yourself! – It does no good to beat yourself up for feeling ‘off’, inadequate, etc. You are a lovable, capable being, worthy of respect and kindness. Treat yourself accordingly.
- Do one thing that nurtures your Spirit, and do it daily. It may be taking a walk, working out, praying and/or meditating, making time for spiritual reading, spending time with loved ones, singing or playing a musical instrument. The list is endless. What nurtures your Spirit?
- Stick with your healthy routine as best you can. I let my morning runs go over the past week because I was just too achy and tired. It only made me feel worse. I ran this morning with my dog Ella and now we both feel great!
- Reach Out. Ask for help. Don’t isolate. We need to feel connected with others and God – Higher Power – Source – All That Is.
- Know that ‘This too shall pass.’ Hard times are not permanent. Life has an ebb and flow to it, just like the ocean tides.
- Make it a priority to get in touch with that Divine Spark Within. How? There are many ways. Get out in nature and practice present moment awareness. Take in the sights, sounds, smells. Get quiet and breathe deeply. Meditate: inhale ‘Be Here’ – exhale ‘Now’. Sing. Laugh. Appreciate.
Getting in touch with your Divinity puts things into perspective. Here’s what I mean by that: From A Course in Miracles: ‘God is but Love and so am I’, and so are you. This world we know will pass away. But Love never dies. Love is true. Love is real. Only what’s done for Love and with Love is real and what is real is eternal. How’s that for putting things into perspective!
I encourage you to be gentle with yourself, every moment of every day, and be gentle with your brothers and sisters as well. Take a moment and reflect on these questions:
- How do I know when I’m feeling ‘off’?
- What can I do to take care of myself during those times?
- What is my spiritual perspective and how does it serve me?
- How comfortable am I with reaching out for help when I need it?
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Until next time, be gentle with yourself, smile and Shine Your Light!